Why do you sell this invasive plant?

Keep in mind that if a plant is deemed “invasive” in one area, it is not necessarily invasive in another. When non-native plants with a vigorous growth habit spread to surrounding natural habitats, we call them invasive. Invasive plants can take over the natural environment. But an invasive plant in one state might be perfectly fine in another part of the country. That’s what makes the threat of invasive plants so challenging. When people move to a new state, they may want to grow plants that they enjoyed in another part of the country – and don’t think to check if that plant is invasive. We are keenly aware of the problem of invasive plants and we do not sell plants in a region as determined by state invasive plant regulations. Some varieties we have stopped growing entirely because they became invasive in more and more regions. And before we introduce a new plant variety, it is scrutinized for potential invasiveness. Monrovia is working with other growers and horticulture professionals to adopt best practices to reduce the spread of invasive plants. What can you do? Before you plant, check your state’s invasive plant list