What is Hosta Virus X?

What should I know about Hosta Virus X?

Hosta virus X is a viral disease that causes problems in many hosta cultivars.  It spreads through direct contact with sap, or when an infected plant is propagated. It was first discovered in 1996 and had spread greatly by the late ‘00s. Since then, the horticulture industry has implemented testing and sanitation protocols to prevent any further spread in propagation facilities. 

There are several visual symptoms of Hosta X, but despite this, it is still very difficult to diagnose visually. Not only does the type and severity of the symptoms change between cultivars, but the symptoms look very similar to damage caused by several other, more common problems. Symptoms associated with Hosta X can look similar to frost damage, nutrient deficiencies, or even healthy physical attributes that are typical of that variety. The only way to be sure a plant has Hosta Virus X is with laboratory testing.

Hosta Virus X has never been found at a Monrovia growing ground. All hostas have been started from tissue culture of clean stock. If any crop shows symptoms, a sample is immediately sent to a laboratory for testing. 

If you are concerned a Monrovia hosta might have hosta x, we welcome photos sent to consumercare@monrovia.com. Please include the variety, where it was available for purchase,  and a photo of the barcode on the tag. For photos to be helpful, they need to be in focus and close up on the damage. We will not be able to diagnose the plant but can use the information to inspect or test the crops at the nursery if warranted.